Wheel Art Pottery - February 8, 2025, Wheel Art Pottery, Peoria
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Date: Sat Feb 08, 1:00 PM CST - Sat Feb 08, 4:00 PM CST
  • Life Skills
  • Daisies,
  • Volunteers,
  • Brownies

Explore the art of claywork with our friends at Wheel Art Pottery Studio. Bring an idea of what you would like to create with you as you explore the art of ceramics by both hand building a creative piece and wheel-throwing a useful object, like a cup or bowl. Learn about the artform and make your own designs, craft with purpose and tinker with your craft, and discover what it means to create and innovate with this artform. Girls will also get to keep one piece that they hand build and one piece that they throw on the wheel. 


Pieces take around two months to be fired and you will be contacted when they are ready to be picked up at the Peoria Service Center.


Daises, Brownies and Juniors will complete all steps of their Art and Design and Craft and Tinker Badges.