Where in the world will Girl Scouts take you?
Girl Scouts offers many travel opportunities so girls can see new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures and ideas. Whether exploring exploring sites in the United States to other countries to flying to one of the four World Centres, Girl Scouts are continually expanding their horizons.
Girl Scout Destinations are the ultimate travel adventure for individual Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts! Make friends from all over the country as you travel with Girl Scouts from different states, see and learn new things, and pack your bags full of inspiring, life-changing experiences and memories.
Global Travel
Travel around the world with other Girl Scouts from GSCI! Council trips are open to currently registered members going into sixth grade through those graduating high school, as well as registered volunteers. As these trips are led by council staff, girls are welcome and encouraged to travel independently!
Often traveling in June, we alternate between international and domestic trips. Trips range from a few days to two weeks and at times offer unique opportunities to earn area specific badges.
As we look to our future, possible council-led journeys include: Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, Dog sledding in Alaska, exploring ancient ruins in Italy and Greece, having tea at Juliette Gordon Low’s childhood home, and more!
Ready to pack your bags? Check out our 2024 and 2025 itineraries!
Local Travel
Want to start your travel-log but not quite a Cadette? Have a calendar that’s super busy? Maybe you just want to explore the beautiful Midwest? Our bus trips may be for you!
Yearly, we take a bus trip to somewhere semi-local and we would like to invite you to join us! Bus trips are generally day trips and are open to the whole family. Last year, we found ourselves exploring Chicago’s Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium. Girls and adults alike had a blast learning and laughing together. These day trips are perfect for younger girls, entire troops, and those newer to Girl Scouting! We’re excited to announce our future trips in the coming months- we think you’re going to love this one!
Be on the lookout for more info in the Fall/Winter Adventure Guide.
We don’t want finances to limit any Girl Scout. Our travel company offers scholarship opportunities and payment plans, while our council offers Travel Dough as a Cookie Reward. For more info on Travel Dough click here. For information about EF’s scholarship opportunities, contact Meg Anderson at mkanderson@girlscouts-gsci.org.
Informational meetings about our upcoming council-led travel opportunities happen year round. Be sure to check the Events Calendar. Can’t make it to a meeting? Schedule a one-on-one travel chat with Meg Anderson at mkanderson@girlscouts-gsci.org. This is a great way to present the trip in a troop meeting or ask really specific questions.
Attending a GSUSA Destination can be an incredible, life changing experience. To ensure all Girl Scouts have access to such a unique travel opportunity, GSCI is excited to participate in GSUSA’s D-Pass program!
The D-Pass is a grant, awarded to GSCI, to support girl travel on GSUSA Destinations, with a focus on girls in need. The grant financially supports girls who otherwise would not be able to attend a Destination and helps to ensure diverse representation in Destinations. Think of the D-Pass like financial aid for travel!
2024 D- Pass Grant Timeline
Reporting Requirements
Applicant must complete a D-Pass Grant Girl Response From and submit a picture from their Destination to GSCI by September 15, 2024.